Clo - Catatan Belanja Barang &




Shopping is cool, but have you ever gone shopping, so many things have you forgotten what you need to buy?Or enjoy shopping, dont you know that the cost will swell more than your monthly shopping money?Not anymore! Kenalin CLO, Application of Goods and Prices Shopping Notes. CLO helps you to record all the items you need to buy with an estimated price that you can fill in to ensure that your shopping is not overbudget.Not only that, shopping records will continue to be stored, and you can copy notes that have been made for future purchases.You can update the estimated price to the original price when you are shopping to make sure the total price doesnt exceed the budget.Dont forget, if you find a discount, you can update the estimated price directly using the Discount Calculator in the CLO application.Who can use the CLO application?1. Slang momsRegular monthly shopping is a hassle, there are many things that need to be purchased. The habit of mothers and daughters likes to buy items that are important but sometimes they dont really need it, which ultimately makes the shopping budget excess. CLO helps to ensure that the total expenditure does not exceed the budget.2. Bapack-bapackForgetfulness is a trait inherent in every bapack-bapack when shopping, whether lazy or senile. CLO helps to realize all the items you need to buy with a neat estimate of the price.3. Boarding house childrenShopping for 1 box of instant noodles, soap, toothpaste, must be calculated carefully and carefully. CLO will help boarding children to list in items that need to be purchased, with an accurate total estimate so that you dont feel embarrassed when you spend the money, hehehe ...4. Children who like their mother told to shopAlready memorized the name of the item you want to buy, in the middle of the road, I forgot: DNot anymore, before the road, first write down the item and the estimated price in the CLO application!5. All who like shoppingLets use CLO now!